MUSICIANARY – if you look in the dictionary, you likely will not find that word. But it accurately describes what Jeff Cleghorn is: a missionary carrying the Gospel of Jesus to a lost world, using his God-given skills at the piano to share the Gospel message and point people to Jesus. As a full-time MUSICIANARY since the fall of 2008, Jeff has been blessed to share his music and ministry in churches of varied denominations and sizes throughout eleven different states and two foreign countries. Prior to following God’s leadership into this full-time music evangelism endeavor, Jeff served as Associate Pastor for Instrumental Music at Second Baptist Church in Warner Robins, GA. He has also traveled for more than 40 years singing and playing Southern Gospel music with his family as well as other regional artists. He was crusade pianist for Bailey Smith Real Evangelism Conferences for over 10 years, and has also played for Phil Waldrep Celebrators’ Conferences.

Through his ministry, Jeff is able to provide piano concerts for your church services or other events such as senior adult gatherings, homecomings, banquets, Bible conferences, etc.  With his experience as a choral director, orchestra conductor, pianist, and vocalist, Jeff is also available as a worship leader for revival meetings and other special events. As part of his ministry, Jeff hosts the Central Georgia Hymn Sing in Warner Robins, GA twice each year. Cleghorn Music Ministries, Inc. is also the sponsor and host of Senior Adult Homecoming Retreat held on Saint Simons Island, GA each spring and fall.

Jeff says, “God has put a song in my heart. Whenever I sit down at the piano keyboard, my desire is that the listener hears God sing that song through my hands. He alone is worthy of all praise and glory.” The music that Jeff provides will be uplifting and encouraging to the people that hear. He is committed to providing music that is, above all, honoring to the Lord. That primary commitment to exalt the Savior will be evident as Jeff plays the piano or leads your people in worship.

The following statement summarizes Jeff’s basic doctrinal beliefs: I believe the Bible to be the infallible, inerrant Word of God. It is God’s only written word and is adequate for faith and life. I believe that Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died an atoning death, rose bodily from the grave, and will one day return for His church. He, Jesus, is the ONLY way by which anyone can be saved.


Luther Rice Seminary
Atlanta, GA
Master of Arts in Church Ministry, 2005

Mercer University
Macon, GA
Bachelor of Music in Church Music, 1993

Ogeechee Technical College
Statesboro, GA
Associate of Arts in Funeral Service, 2011

Warner Robins Christian Academy
Warner Robins, GA
High School Diploma, 1988

Cleghorn Music Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions to this ministry are tax-deductible under federal tax guidelines.